Saturday, October 23, 2010

American Made

Manufacturing in the United States is shrinking! It's no doubt that our manufacturing base, a segment that used to provide more than 25% of our economy is being shipped off to foreign shores. It's just above 10% of the economy today and much of that is related to government. But there are still some left!

 Linda G. has found some American made products! (this was a response to iconic products no longer made in the USA)

American Made Light Bulbs -

American Made Utensils -

You got me on the canned sardines - 04/19/10 The lone survivor, the Stinson Seafood plant h...ere in this eastern Maine shoreside town, shuts down this week after a century in operation. It is the last sardine cannery not just in Maine, but in the United States.

This is the closest I could find for 'American Made Computer' - But Otter Box makes a great case for iphones and they're right here in Fort Collins.

Couldn't find any railroad parts, but I did find a super cool oil and electric lantern guy
Nix on the cell phone and tv, but there are a lot of kids toys still made here. They may not be the licensed Disney brand, but they look fun to me. claims to have all made in America clothing. I haven't checked them out completely myself. I hope they don't mean American continent, but they might be legit.

This American made vending machine looks pretty sturdy

Couldn't find any minivans, but these articles were interesting - and I saw a Tesla driving down the street here last weekend, it was really fast and quite.

And, who really needs dress shirts anyway?

There are a whole bunch of interesting steel articles on this page Lots of China discussions. I'll have to come back to that later.

There are still some American made Chucks floating around. They're just really expensive, collector items Same with the Etch a Sketch

There are a whole bunch of American made baby food companies Sorry, none in NM :-(

Again, it may not have the Rawlings brand, but it's still an American made baseball

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