Saturday, October 23, 2010

America isn't the America you may have thought - the Gloom Zone

 With the economy struggling... no matter which political view you espouse to, it's easy to fall victim to all the negative news that's out there. Some might be pessimistic but hopeful while others are downright gloomy. I just wanted to have a spot to round it all up in so I'm designating this the Gloom Zone.

Be warned, some of this information serves a particular purpose or agenda. You have to be sure that if someone is proposing a solution... they first have to have a problem... and so a problem is sometimes created, or highlighted or exposed... it could be from legitimate concern but it also might just be from a good way to make a quick buck or promote one's credibility.

I do believe we have allot of problems in America but I also believe we have just as many solutions. The greatest of those being our heritage of Liberty, Justice, a solid work ethic and a commitment to Innovation.

Now... The Gloom Zone! (this could grow)

US in Worse shape than Greece

27 signs American standard of Living is dropping like a rock

18 Iconic Products that America doesn't make anymore  Yahoo Tech Ticker on declining US Manufacturing

The Rich are getting Richer   Part Two

10 Signs America is becoming a Third World Nation

The Middle class is being wiped out in America

The pension bomb in California...$326+ billion underfunded  And here's 11 other states with pension bombs

The 99ers. Educated Professionals with no job... even after two years

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