Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Capitalism... A word that is largely misunderstood.

When the rest of the world wallowed in misery, wars and striffe during the late 1800's. America grew into a powerhouse. This on the back of a Civil War. Unfortunately, this threatened the elite's control. Our capitalist system became a target and over the last 100 years America has moved from a free market economy to a government controlled socialistic model. Capitalism in common terms today is just a word used to refer to the evil and miserly rich.

However, there is a small but growing group of people that understand that freedom and liberty is a necessity to American's prosperity and that means returning to Capitalism. That starts with understanding what it is and why and how America grew from a small group of colonies to the world's greatest economic engine.

Those who believe in "capitalism" have some learning to do as well. So I'm not necessarily agreeing with everything said in this interview. For example... "Free trade" is not fair trade. In many cases government subsidies can lower the cost of producing goods and thus can create an artificial environment that can destroy competition. Thus, it is in some cases it may be that Americans need to protect themselves and their industries from unscrupulous governments and groups that would slant the playing field in their favor. However, a court system that was effective and instituted "loser pays" would probably be a much better regulating body than government bureaucrats.

The mirage of "Capitalism"

Milton Friedman on F.A. Hayek's "The Road to Serfdom"

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Quantitative Easing Part Two

This is really scary stuff. And if your investments are in dollars... you may want to think very hard about what is being said.With 40 or so countries currently tied to the dollar the effects of the dollar aren't being seen at home but the edges are fraying overseas. These countries are in effect, holding the dollar up...

Ben Bernacke June 2009 "The Fed will not monetize the debt!"

What is even more scary is those in Congress who think it would be a good idea for China to allow it's currency to float. This would be unbelievably inflationary at the retail end since most of the products Americans buy come from China. This would set the stage for what the Federal Reserve says can't happen.... Stagflation. Prices rising as the economy continues to stall. But this is very possible since we are relying heavily on imports to keep product prices low. With the price of products increasing fast and being sent overseas this will only add to the sour economy.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Problem Solving: Part 3

A problem isn't necessarily a "problem", it could be a challenge or it could just be an opportunity.

Let's consider football for a moment. The team with the ball is presented with a "problem" getting the ball to the end-zone.  Staying within the constraints of the rules, a team endeavors to succeed and solve the problem.

This is an example of creative problem solving! Everyone expected a "Hut!" before the ball was hiked, the ball being hiked through the legs of the center. The quarterback moving fast, instead of slowly walking. However, the savvy quarterback did what no one expected.

This also is a perfect example of a OODA loop in action. The time it took the defensive team to Observe, Orientate, Decide what to do and Act was exactly enough time for the quarterback to slowly walk to a point that he could run for the touchdown.

I have always been on the lookout for problems! Problems for me usually also mean opportunity. I have my methods for identifying them as such... it typically means not only looking at the problem but also looking at it's opposite.

Here's one idea I always go by and this is usually why "problems" in my mind, are a good thing. Freedom equals prosperity! Typically when a construction project is in trouble the principles are willing to listen to creative ideas. Freedom to be creative!

The BNL Blog

I'm no salesman but Harvey McCay, a well know author, says that the sweetest event a salesman dreams of is to hear the sound of his or her name crossing the lips of a someone else.  But how that is accomplished is... up to the imagination. I would propose listening. Listening to what the potential client is saying. When you have many solutions (products and services of one's group) then listening to the potential client. Is certainly important. Solving problems that would otherwise go unnoticed can make that problem solving salesperson into the first one considered everytime a problem presents itself.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Welfare isn't just for the poor!

For nearly 100 years the richest have finagled backroom deals so common in the halls of Congress these days. The Welfare lines are very long for the long list of corporations and business interests that have asked the government for help in keeping their business afloat.

The most popular to point out these days is the financial industry with the TARP bailout... but in all honesty TARP really pale in comparison to the crony capitalism that seems to be hiding in every dark corner of every big business plan. If competition and a free market was the engine that made America the most powerful and wealthiest nation on Earth, crony capitalism and corporate welfare is what is going to bring it to it's knees.

The downward spiral (graph)

Friday, November 5, 2010

The beatings will continue until morale improves...

I don't mean to be putting out too much bad news.. Remember, bad news can also mean opportunity! So there are a ton of opportunities in this landscape. Remember "Buy low, sell high!"

After recently reading "Bright-Sided", I must also say I am aware more than ever how being positive can be just as dangerous as being negative. The productive path is being realistic. And far too long have many just believed in the "positive attitude" religion. Once again, an opportunity for those not so easily fooled.

If you think 2011 is going to be a rebound year for the national economy... just read this article.

The average household is going to loose about $200 off their bi-weekly paycheck!

If you think the economy is bad now... just wait!

How government and regulations are killing job creation. The Cost of Over-regulation.

Just listen to the CEO of AIG testify... is he really this dumb? Whistleblower
Part 2, Part 3,

Oh... those good ole statistics... the government says the unemployment rate is 9.6% but there's some information they don't mention.

Labor Force Participation Rate Drops to 25 year Low

States overspending being supported by the Feds... artificial price supports for the bond market.

For those looking to's pretty clear to see... interest rates in the form of T-bills, other government bonds as well as mortgages are being manipulated by the Feds and the Federal Reserve. This brings up an idea that Robert Kiyosaki pointed out in his "New Rules of Money". The difference between good debt and bad debt. For those of you who understand this would be a great time to be borrowing!

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Crime of the Millennium!! And the criminals are getting away... everyday!

Regardless of one's beliefs or background... this is something to spend time watching and understanding. Everybody is effected by this. If one has money in the bank, a retirement account, insurance, a 401k... or does business with any financial institution they would certainly want to know this information.

This is one of nine segments. Approximately 75 min total. (A link to the next segment will appear on the screen in the last 20-30 sec)

Tragedy and Hope Website

The Federal Reserve is a privately owned corporation 

Could the criminals finally be caught?