Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sometimes great ideas don't add up

Just to let everyone know that every wonderful idea isn't always as wonderful as it might first appear... especially if there are politicians promoting it.

A recent article on GM's Volt pointed out it isn't so efficient after all... and may in fact be less efficient than a gasoline powered car.

Volt: Isn't as Green as you might imagine

And then there is Top Gear's experience with a Tesla. At about 5 minutes in we find that this car isn't one for long distance trips because it takes 16 hours to charge... and the range isn't quite what is claimed.

To be fair... Tesla is apparently suing the BBC in regard to some of the claims in the show.

Tesla Sues BBC 

The bottom line is sometimes the claim doesn't always come true. Don't be afraid to be skeptical!

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