Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Welfare isn't just for the poor!

For nearly 100 years the richest have finagled backroom deals so common in the halls of Congress these days. The Welfare lines are very long for the long list of corporations and business interests that have asked the government for help in keeping their business afloat.

The most popular to point out these days is the financial industry with the TARP bailout... but in all honesty TARP really pale in comparison to the crony capitalism that seems to be hiding in every dark corner of every big business plan. If competition and a free market was the engine that made America the most powerful and wealthiest nation on Earth, crony capitalism and corporate welfare is what is going to bring it to it's knees.

The downward spiral (graph)

GM's sweet deal

BP gets the taxpayer to pay for the oil spill

The secondary mortgage market... entirely propped up by the Fed

The Stock market rise... look to the Fed again

Our food supply... and corn subsidies

The prison industrial system

The medical industrial system

The gran-daddy of them all... the military industrial complex

The deeper one digs the more apparent it becomes just how much control of the economy is being handled by the government. The simple solution is to deregulate these industries to allow competition, return to sound money and eliminate the central control of the crony system by the Federal Reserve.

Even barbering is controlled. No longer is someone "safe" to make their own decision on who can cut their hair. Government approval. Criminal Barbering Orlando Sentinel Nov 7 2010

Wouldn't it be awesome if your business didn't have to pay taxes? Would you consider that an advantage? I'm sure your competition would! Study says most corporations pay no US income taxes Reuters

California is a great example of a state who has embraced the merging of corporate welfare and big business. This has left it reeling with huge public debts, massive red tape for entrepreneurs, and a bleak future for anyone other than surfers. California: the Lindsey Lohan of states WSJ Nov 2010

You don't have to look far for the government's meddling in the marketplace. How about the new push for "renewable energy". Boy, it sure sounds good! But in reality it's another government boondoggle supporting a few businesses that saw the PR potential of a new sale. Most of the companies however, aren't even US owed, operated, or even American employers!  The Great Transmission Heist WSJ Nov 2010

The highest paid government employees explode in number. From roughly 12,000 making over $150,000 in 2005 to  170,000+ in 2010. More Federal Workers Pay tops $150k USA Today Nov 2010

Seven of the top 10 counties for median income surround Washington DC

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