Friday, November 5, 2010

The beatings will continue until morale improves...

I don't mean to be putting out too much bad news.. Remember, bad news can also mean opportunity! So there are a ton of opportunities in this landscape. Remember "Buy low, sell high!"

After recently reading "Bright-Sided", I must also say I am aware more than ever how being positive can be just as dangerous as being negative. The productive path is being realistic. And far too long have many just believed in the "positive attitude" religion. Once again, an opportunity for those not so easily fooled.

If you think 2011 is going to be a rebound year for the national economy... just read this article.

The average household is going to loose about $200 off their bi-weekly paycheck!

If you think the economy is bad now... just wait!

How government and regulations are killing job creation. The Cost of Over-regulation.

Just listen to the CEO of AIG testify... is he really this dumb? Whistleblower
Part 2, Part 3,

Oh... those good ole statistics... the government says the unemployment rate is 9.6% but there's some information they don't mention.

Labor Force Participation Rate Drops to 25 year Low

States overspending being supported by the Feds... artificial price supports for the bond market.

For those looking to's pretty clear to see... interest rates in the form of T-bills, other government bonds as well as mortgages are being manipulated by the Feds and the Federal Reserve. This brings up an idea that Robert Kiyosaki pointed out in his "New Rules of Money". The difference between good debt and bad debt. For those of you who understand this would be a great time to be borrowing!

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