Thursday, February 25, 2010

Is Credit Really the Answer?

What is going to save us in the economy we are facing?

Simple! Innovation and entrepreneurial spirit... and staying as far away from the federal government as possible! Local small business to the rescue! The heart of America! It's always been that way! And that's not just shop owner's, and people tinkering around with new inventions in their garage...It's everyone! Your not too old, Colonel Sanders proved that, and your not too young to be an entrepreneur! The lessons of how to be innovative, entrepreneurial and self-reliant are lessons we need to be spreading across the nation.

Waiting for Washington is not the solution! And no... it wasn't George Bailey or his ancestors that started the sub-prime mess... that's firmly in between Washington DC and the Federal Reserve on whose to blame. So even getting help from Washington is something most wouldn't recommend. All that paperwork and red tape may eventually be a small businesses' demise... and if there's one thing we don't need to be teaching people is dependence on government.

But here's a few ideas I have. One, think about the money leaving the community... how is it leaking out?

Fuel - 70% of our oil is coming from overseas. Creating a local alternative to that would immediately keep that money from leaving!

Food - Locally grown organic food has real benefits. Growing, gardening, local farming can all contribute to fulfilling that need without sending the money away! We all have a few things we absolutely have to do! In addition, locally grown fresh fruits and vegetables are healthy as well and command premium prices! The large franchises drain communities and in general serve unhealthy food.

Taxes - I would never recommend doing anything illegal. However, avoiding taxes is legal and as an employee a large portion of a person's gross income is taken from them before they ever get a chance to spend it. As a independent contractor, expenses are subtracted from the gross and you are taxed on the difference... and that can represent a huge savings. Some wise person sad a long time ago... if you want to be rich... do what the rich people do... and I guarantee, in most people, who are rich spend allot of time and money avoiding the tax burden.

There's a million more ideas... sites like,, TED or are just a few of the places to get ideas on how to impact and develop your local community in a positive way and possibly earn a living doing it at the same time.

In addition websites like,, Accion USA, to name a few, offer new financing opportunities for fledgling business people and entrepreneurs. The potential is only limited by our imagination, our will, and working together to make it happen! Let's make it happen!

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